Thank you for your support!
We believe in Generosity. Because God first gave to us, we willingly and joyfully give back to him. (There's a reason why Jesus says, "It is more blessed to give than to receive.") When YOU give, we are able to meet the needs of others and make an impact on local and international communities. Generosity is also what makes our mission statement possible; because of you, people can know God, find freedom, discover purpose and make a difference.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at 317-290-1015 or EMAIL US!
Need help setting up a new giving account? Call the business office!
You can also give via text
Text a dollar amount to 317-279-6444
Follow the one time registration link and you are ready to give.
Any time you want to give to The Blended Church, simply text a dollar amount to that saved number, and your transaction is complete!