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SERVICE TIMES | 9:00AM & 11:00AM
Hey there! Thank you for stopping by our website. If you are searching for a good church, we know we are the place for you. From our exciting kids ministry to our powerful worship and biblical-based messages, to a small group just for you. There is something here to make you feel that you belong. So, feel free to get to know us. Click on the link below and it will take you to our about page. There you will get to know our mission, our purpose as a church, and our pastors & staff. If you have never been to our church before, come by this Sunday! We have 2 service time options for you: 9:30am & 11:15am. We even have a weekly show at 5pm on TV40. We would love to get to know you. We want to see lives changed here by the power of Jesus Christ, and we see that happen every week when someone steps through our doors. We look forward to meeting you! God bless.